
Point & Shoot | Curly

Today is cleaning day.  I've needed to clean for the last week, but just haven't had the energy to do it.  Playing with the kids felt much better and more worthwhile.  Yes, the floor was like a sandpit, the dust was piling up just like the washing - but it felt so much more pleasant to be hanging out with the kids rather than hanging out the washing.

We have had a pretty curly week, so I am glad that the weekend had arrived.  We didn't have much planned - and that's the way I like it!

It started with a little home organisation (putting things away where they belong) after the week that was.  A little Father-Son trip to bunnings for more veggie garden supplies, some cement and sand.  We relaxed for the next few hours while to boys had their afternoon sleep and pottered around the house.  Discussing what we were going to plant in the veggie garden, what sort of shade sail we should get for the boys play area.  Then it was off to Nanny & Grandad's for a sleep over!  Yay for us, we were heading to D&P's for a good old BBQ/Drinkies catch up, which had been long over due.

We had a great night at a friend of D's 40th.  I think we finally made it to bed around 2am...yes, 2am.  We were up at 7.30 to pick up the boys from Nanny's, hangovers and all.  I knew my first hangover since having Liam would be difficult, but the hardest part was the lack of sleep.  Thank you Toy Story for the 1.5hr distraction while I slept on the floor next to Mitchell.  

This is what a curly week and a relaxed weekend looks like in our household.



Forrest Gump was once told:

Well today, I picked the chocolate with lots of nuts.  Yucky nuts with chocolate.  Can you tell i'm not a big fan of nuts in chocolate?

Today started out all wrong, exactly like the way I feel about nuts and chocolate being together.  From the kids waking at 6am and not going back to sleep, to then having them in the shower with me while I tried to shower and L slipping over and cutting his lip.  It was one day I was better off going without...

But, it was playgroup day and I needed to get some air and I thought some adult conversation might just  help me too.  So I packed the kids in the stroller, and walked to playgroup in mid 30 something degree heat.

Yes, I fell apart as soon as someone asked if was doing ok, but I tried to keep it together.  I had little chats with almost everyone today and felt so much better knowing I had a great group of friends around me.

Thank you girls for listening.  You are all wonderful.

The rest of the day seemed better, it still had its nutty moments, but things are on the improve.  And I am feeling so. much. better.  Maybe I need another chocolate, but let's hope the next one is more like this

                                                                      Source: google.com.au via LoveShootCreate on Pinterest

and less like this:

                                                                        Source: meggielynne.tumblr.com via Carolyn on Pinterest


I wish we could do this very weekend mum.

So as far as weekends went, this was a good one.  But there were a few moments I would like to forget.

Like the constant cleaning of the floors, due to copious amounts of sand M & L brought into the house from the sandpit.  

Like the "discussion" with Dad, the Father in law. The one where we were left with more answers than before and a feeling like it was all us - our fault - the whole thing.  I won't go into any details, but to say that Q & I are still feeling, well sick to the stomache.  

Like the washing, the ever present washing and the never going to get any smaller washing pile.  

But, on a brighter note the things that made this weekend great was the Breakfast with my Mum, Nan, Q and the boys at the Blue Duck in Cottesloe.  What an awesome view - pity the service wasn't 100%, but the food was awesome.

Summer Crepes with berry sauce.
The walk along the beach to the playground.  Seeing my family play together and spend time with each other without the distractions of the last few days and weeks.


Endless playtime in the sandpit and water table.

Sunday - Sleep in...

Family time doing productive things around the house, mowing the lawn, watching Liam chase after the lawn mower and try and put the earmuffs on his head, the boys actually playing happily together (for all of about 15mins).

The four of us, enjoying just us, playing, laughing, chasing and battling the 1year old with a very sore mouth and making some awesome BBQ fish with Thai sauce and coconut rice, with extra tasty prawns and side of Garden salad.  Thanks Taste,  you completed our weekend.

Point & Shoot

I wish every weekend could be like this one.

This is the first time I am participating in Sunny & Scout's Point & Shoot. I know it's usually just one or two photos, but I just couldn't pick one... 

This was our Saturday morning...

Thanks for looking!


Preparations for Liam's 1st Birthday

You know the thing about 1st birthdays, it's such a distant milestone when you have a newborn, but after the first few months, the next 9 months seem to fly by.  Next thing you know, that 1st birthday milestone is oh so close and you don't want it to be here just yet.  You just want another few months...well that's how I felt anyway.

Don't get me wrong, Liam was not the easiest baby compared to Mitchell, but i still want to cherish the babyness (if that is even a word) of this little character.  

Anyway, so the 5th Feb 2012 came around pretty quickly and we celebrated Liam's 1st birthday with Family & Friends and a few of Mitchell's buddies.

I had already decided on a Circus theme party a few months back, after my sister in law had a Circus themed Hens Night.  I straight away got to pinning a few ideas (click on the link on the right to see my boards) and in early Jan, started on the crazy circus theme invites.  This is the final product.

Once the invites were posted, we got straight into the designing of the decorations.  Thanks to my trusty Silhouette I was able to design, print and cut 90% of the decorations needed for the party.  

Top L-R: Lolly Bags, Cupcakes & Handmade Flags
Bottom L-R: Table Tags & 0-12 month baby banner
Most of the other decorations were sourced online:
Lolly Bags: Pack It In, the bag toppers were made with the Silhouette.
Cupcake Wrappers, Paper Bunting, Paper Straws: Pink Frosting



First post photo
Liam, The 4 of Us, Mitchell
Today is a day of firsts.

My First ever post.  My First Blog.  A first time blogger, but a long time follower of some of my favourite blogs - check them out and see for yourself.

I guess I am behind the 8 ball for starting a blog.  Everyone's doing it.  But it's something I wanted to do way back when my first son was born (2009), but just never got round to it - as you do.  So with fresh new year, i decided to create this blog.  Yes the title is a play on the Eat Pray Love, but all the other ones i wanted have already been taken - see note about the 8-ball!

So it may have taken 6 weeks to get to my first post - but i'm here and i am not going anywhere.  The main reason for starting this blog is to record my family's journey through everyday life.  Life is so busy and we always have the best intentions to preserve our memories, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in a day.  I figured if i could find half an hour somewhere in my day to write a little about what goes on in our day to day life, we might just be able to look back one day and see just how good life was/ still is.

I have butterflies in my tummy as i type this first post....will anyone read it, does it really if matter if no one follows it.  This is about me, my little family, my love of photography and all the little crafty things in between.

And...This is for my family to follow - to see what things the kids have been up too.  To show her how quickly they are growing up, in the weeks that we don't get to see each other.