
Project Life

I have never posted any of my Project Life pages before, but I thought what the heck - let's do a few.  So after waiting a few weeks for some photos to arrive from the USA, I was able to start to put my album together. 

Yes, I am way behind, like only up to May 2012, but a few good nights of scrapping in a row and I should be able to catch up (whenever that will be).

But here is a look at our Bali 2012 photos from January this year, they are mostly digital 12x12 pages, that I got printed at Persnickety Prints.  This was our second trip to Bali since having Mitchell.  But this time we went with my mum and dad also.

Day One

Day Two and Bali cooking class

Out and About

Bali Safari Park - LHS

Bali Safari Park - RHS

Aussie Day - Bali style

last day blues

we had a great trip and it shows in our photos.

Things learnt over the weekend.

1. Hand Foot and Mouth disease, may have left this house a month ago, but the side effects still live on...  A few of Leelee's little fingernails and toenails have started to fall off or separate from the cuticle at the bottom of the nailbed.   Initially I thought that maybe he had squashed his fingers in a door, but then the issue started to appear on more than one nail on both hands.  Then I thought it may have something to do with finger sucking as I have noticed him do that a lately.  But today, after some "research" (googling if you will) I found that it could genuinely be related to HFM.  Who knew it would hang around this long.

2. Brothers - they fight, yell, hit and jump on each other at times, but then there is this.... two brothers sharing a couch watching some 'toons' together.

3.  Puppies - they are oh so adorably cute, until they can jump, pull your clothes off the line and roll in them while you are not home.  As if I didn't have enough washing to do.  Thanks Roxy

4.  Photoshoots - Don't always go as planned.  Not even the promise of an ice-cream or milkshake could make our two come alive.  But how could we not stop for an ice-cream afterwards.

5.  Tantrums - Some one featured here today definitely knows how to throw them and I can tell you right now I. Dont. Like. Them one little bit.  How does someone so little want to be so independent already??  They can occur anywhere, mainly at home but one came out over the weekend in a public place - at the park.  I could just feel the stares from other people, the sideways glances as they look for where the screaming/crying is coming from... I couldn't bare to look them in the eye, I just had to laugh.  He just looked so damn cute with his arms flailing above his head and that squishy face all scrunched up.  Liam 1 Mummy 0

6.  Love - unconditional love shows itself in so many unexpected ways.  And I am just grateful for being able to be a part of such a wonderful family.  You guys rock my world.

P.S Sorry for the quality of the photos today - all non edited, no DSLR, iphone only pics.



You know I created a blog to make notes on our life and share them with family, but I just don't know how all those other bloggers out there do it.  I just can't seem to find the time to arrange/edit photos and make posts here.

From next week I am going to set aside some time to myself to get this blog out there.  or at least out of my head.  Each day I don't get on here, another exciting/life changing or not so life changing event occurs - my kids get bigger and I miss things.

So this is my note to the world....I am going to give this another whirl and see where it takes me.

With that, I think it's time for a new look, something brighter, funkier and more me.  And....I'm going to try and make it all by myself this time.


Point & Shoot - what my mother taught me

In my day to day life, I come across little things that make me stop and think about where and how I learnt to do a particular thing.

Like this morning for example, it was a normal morning. Wake up to the sound of the kids playing in their rooms.  Get up, make kindy lunch for Mitchell and pour myself and the little ones a nice warm drink to to start the day.  Drop Mitchell at Kindy, watch him cry for me at the fence as I drive off. (it lasts until I am out of sight and then he is happy).  Arrive home, put Liam down for his morning nap and get stuck into some housework.

Mitchell's favourite sheets
Today it was change sheets day.  I was in the middle of making the beds after stripping them
and I had started tucking the sheets underneath the mattress with a hospital corner.  It was then that I stopped and pondered where I had learnt this and why of why must I do hospital corners every.single.time.  If Quentin makes the bed, I go back and fold the corners my way.  In my eyes, there is only one way. Hospital corners all the way.

Hospital Corners...your sheets stay put with corners like these!

I know exactly where I learnt this and it is one of the many things that my beautiful Mother instilled in me from an early age.  My mum has taught me many things and this is just one of them.  I am sure I will teach my kids too...when they are old enough to make their beds!

What did your mum teach you?....


Point & Shoot: Birthday Wishes

It was my birthday last week and I turned 32.  It seems kind weird to see that number on screen, I really don't feel that number.  I had such a busy day planned on my birthday and it wasn't all fun, in fact it was a lot of driving around lugging kids in and out of the car and following up business issues for my husband.  There was no cuppa in bed, but to my surprise, my hubby came home at 9.30 and spent the day with me and the kids.

Instead of lost of driving around with the kids, I was able to go kid free...yay, i'm sure you all realise how much easier it is to just pop out to pick up a few things without the kidlets. It is amazing!

After completing all my errands, we all headed out for lunch in Subi and to pick up a bargain I got off Gumtree.  Lunch was wonderful, Hubby fed the kids while I sat back and soaked in the suns rays and sucked up a big fat chocolate milkshake!!  We headed back home for the boys to have their afternoon, and i even managed to fit one in for myself - I am not a napper, I actually hate naps - I just don't feel the same when i wake up - I'm not left feeling refreshed, in fact, completely the opposite.  It takes me a good 30min to get withit and wake up.  Its worse than waking up in the morning...haha

I was amazed at how many birthday wishes and messages I received that day, you know I really felt loved.  awwwww.  All my friends and family sure know how to make this girl feel better.  

I am so lucky to have such a great husband that spoils me and writes mushy romantic birthday card messages and am so lucky to have kids that singing "Happy Birthday cake" to me all day.  You Rock Family!!

Although I didn't get to see my mum & dad on my actual birthday, we did make up for it by heading out to lunch at one of my most favourite places in Fremantle - Little Creatures.  It's such a wonderful, relaxed, laid back pub, it even has a large kids sandpit out the back.  The weather wasn't the best for stting outside, but that didn't stop the kids - they had a ball out there.  My folks even took it turns watching the kids so i could enjoy some kid free time with my friends.

Thanks all for a wonderful birthday, turning 32 doesn't seem that bad after all...


Footy and Bike Riding

There is nothing better in this world than spending Sunday morning walking around the local nature reserve with your family.

We took Mitchell's new bike so that he could practice riding outside of the backyard - doing bog laps around the table, chairs, swings and whatever obstacles the kids leave lying around out the back gets old pretty quickly.

This was our Sunday morning in pictures....

After our busy morning at the park, we went home for lunch and to watch the Eagles play GWS.  At least both WA teams had a win this week....yeeehaaawwwwww


Wow...3 already

Can you believe it! I certainly can't.  3 years ago we welcomed you into this world and you have changed our world ever since.

You have become quite the little chatter box over the last few months and you can now officially ride your big boy bike...after just 3 days of practice! Each day you just get faster and faster and better at turning.  To date you have had one stack off your bike.

A few things we have learnt about you in the last three years:
 - you prefer cucumber in slices, not sticks
 - Dump Trucks and Diggers are your most favoured things to watch out for when we are in the car
 - You are still a parrot (you copy anything/anyone, even your little brother)
 - Your favourite colour is Blue (and occasionally green)
 - Peanut butter sandwiches for lunch
 - Chippies are also a favourite on the menu, along with Stir-fry noodles and Curries
 - Watermelon & Strawberry's would have to be your most favourite fruit
 and lets not mention cake...of any sorts...
 - You love talking on the phone now, to Daddy & Nanny especially.
 - On the special occasions we get Maccas, you want to "say it", "Happy meal, cheeseburger & apple juice", quickly followed by "thank-you".
 - Lately you want to push your brother around when he is in the stroller - and you do a pretty good job.
 - Your favourite TV Show is Handy Manny & Dinosaur Train
 - You love to have your back rubbed when going sleep and ask Dad to rub your head every now and then
 - Sometimes you don't like to listen to either of us, it seems to be selective of course!

We love the everyday moments with you that make us smile, you bring lots of love into this family and we love, love, love you!!!


A Long Weekend

Better late than never....

I love long weekends, but I always find that for the rest of the week I am a day out.  The following takes place on the Labour Day long weekend... Friday 2nd - Monday 5th March.

It was a lovely long weekend, HOT and busy.  We also kicked off what we call March Madness here in our household.  Every year is the same, birthdays, events and family reunions.

Friday morning we headed to Kalamunda to visit Nan (Granny).  The kids had a great time climbing the steps and playing Lego while Nan and I had a cuppa.  We then walked into Kalamunda for lunch at a local coffee shop.  Bbefore sitting down for lunch we realised that bunny was missing, so a quick run back along the way we walked located a little blue bunny lying helplessly on the path.  (Running in a pair of thongs is not good on the knees - or any part of the body for that matter!)  We ventured back to Granny's via the Park and of course a stop at the swings.

Friday was Dad's birthday and after a late change in plans to accommodate the kids we headed to Freo for a picnic at the park.  I had been holding on to a couple of Scoopon vouchers for a picnic for two from the DiChiera Brothers in North Perth and decided it would be a great time to use them.  Wow what a feast they put together.  and the strawberries & chocolate were an awesome dessert to end a fabulous night.  But first, we headed to Little Creatures brewery for a pint or two while we watched the sunset over the sea.  The boys had a grand old time in the sandpit - this has to be the best invention yet....a sandpit built into the deck outside!  We stayed for a few beers, some nibbles and once the sun had set, we headed back to the park for some dinner.

Mitchell spent a few hours running round the playground, asking nanny & grandad to "come play with me" or "come push me pease"on the swing.  Grandad even taught him how to roll down grassy hills - another habit he has learnt from his grandad.  I guess that's what grandad's are for, and I love the fact that Mitchell & my Dad get so much enjoyment having fun together.  Around 9ish we decided it was time to go.  Liam hadn't slept and Mitchell was pretty worn out (as were we).  I think I tried a few times to get Liam to sleep in the pram - I even chased Mitchell around the light pole while pushing Liam in the stroller!  

Saturday saw a few things completed around the house - some party prep for Mitchell's birthday, Quentin started on fixing the back limestone steps and I did the usual....washing, cleaning, tidying.  We headed out for a little lunch date and some shopping at the local chinese supermarket.  I have a balinese chicken curry on the menu this week.

Saturday night I went out with the girls - I wasn't planning on going out to Joondalup, but after a few wines and a little convincing, I found myself in a taxi on the way to the pub.  After a few drinks, a kebab and a few chips and gravy I was home around 12.45am.  (Thanks girls for a great night out).  

I had big plans for Sunday, but unfortunately they did not eventuate... something possibly to do with a small hangover!  Pancakes for breakfast (of which I got the recipe a little mixed up - I blame tiredness for this) and a cup of tea - just what the doctor ordered.